Elevating Monterey County's volunteer power to affect local issues through community service
In the summer of 2017, Community Builders co-founders came together to elevate community participation across Monterey County.
We believe through hands-on community service the community can feel empowered to address essential needs across our community, volunteerism a gateway towards deeper community and civic engagement.
Discover how we can build a better future together.
On September 21, communities across coastal California will come together to keep our shores beautiful. And in recognition of all the local volunteers who have been doing this work all year round, we wanted to highlight Sustainable Seaside!
For National Volunteer Month back in April, Sustainable Seaside gave out special kudos to Rachel Slomski, an immigration attorney who had just relocated to Seaside from Florida and was looking for ways to get involved in the community.
She assisted with the Kid’s Zone art booth at their Earth Day event and the kids had a great time. After her shift, she stayed to enjoy the rest of the event